2 more picks, US and Michigan House races
I’ve decided on two more candidates. These were a little less work than the Governor’s race and I wanted to get them out of the way.
US House of Representatives – Michigan 6th District
Last Monday, October 16, Sweetpea, 10-8-ious and myself went down to Berrien Springs to see the major candidates for this office debate. I had never been at a live debate and it was informative, along with entertaining. There were three candidates at the debate, incumbent Republican – Fred Upton, challenger Democrat Kim Clark and challenger Libertarian Ken Howe. First up Ken Howe.
Being a Libertarian, Howe put for the standard party line about getting big government off peoples back, less or no taxes, etc. But it was about the second or third question he really went off the deep end. The question was with regard to global warming, what the candidates position is and how the would influence congress on the subject. Mr. Howe’s answer stated that he did not believe there was such a thing as global warming. He then launched into an analysis regarding lake-effect snow and how man had nothing to do with that. Further on his answers to many questions pertaining to situations like prescription drug assistance, and jobs were pretty pat. We should have no government interference and let free market rule. Everyone is responsible for themselves and well if they can’t make it, tough. Sorry, too far out there to get my vote.
Next challenger Kim Clark. A respectable showing I must say. He had some good ideas and is obviously not a Washington insider. I liked the guy. However he did fumble on a couple of questions with not having up to date facts. In one instance he went after Fred for not passing a bill that clears a radio frequency range for Emergency First Responder use. However this bill has been passed and signed. It has a slow implementation because it is going to obsolete a lot of old TV tuners out there that most people don’t realize. Also, he is for eliminating all ear marks on bills. This is a noble cause, but highly unlikely no matter what Party controls the House. Also, spent a lot of time telling us what Fred did or didn’t do. I would have liked to know more of what he was going to do. I still liked his spirit.
Incumbent Fred Upton has been around for 20 years. A polished congressman, and a decent debater. Very professional and courteous, managed to keep from even smirking at Howe in his most far reaching moments. I think Fred has done a good job in Washington. He is on the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House and is on the several of the sub-committees including Health and Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. On ear marks, Fred supports elimination of anonymous earmarks and earmarks after debate is closed. Fred has used earmarks to bring money back to the State of Michigan, including a couple of Fed funded Freeway Projects, dredging of St. Joe’s harbors and expansion of the K’zoo airport. He authored the law on the First Responder radio frequency changes and on changes to increase competition on cable, phone and internet providers. He is for a line item veto for the president, and balancing the budget. He has been a major voice in DC about internet reform to cut down on spam and catch sex predators. He is involved in a lot of Bi-Partisan proposals, which tells me he can work to do the right thing verse just vote the party line. I like Fred and yes I will be voting for him. I think he does a good job representing his constituents and his seniority in the House is nothing to sneeze at. Fred it is.
On last note on this race, I was pleased to see a decent choice at this level. While I think Upton will be better for Southwest Michigan than Kim Clark, Kim Clark is a decent challenger, and we need choices. Also I think going to the debate (which was not televised) helped a lot and would encourage everyone to go.
Michigan State House of Representatives – 80th District
This is an odd race, but an easy call for me. Two candidates, incumbent Republican Tonya Schuitmaker and challenger Democrat Jessie Olsen.
A review of Jessie Olsen’s web site is the first indictation of her priorities. Number one issue on her issues list is a “Drug Court” for Van Buren county. I think this is a non-issue because VBC has done a good job in dealing with drug problems especially Meth. VBC at one time was the capital for Meth production in Michigan. It is no longer and that is do to an overall assault from our enforcement teams, through the courts to our jails. No Jessie, the number one issue in Van Buren County is JOBS.
Number 1 at the state level is Gun Control??? Jessie is a Democrat against Gun Control and talks about wearing side arms in public, unconcealed, but she hates the NRA. Sorry Jessie, again the number 1 Michigan issue is JOBS. Number 2 for the state is Repeal of Michigan's Driver Responsibility Law. OK this is a good issue and one I support. However I disagree with the rank. Number 2 in Michigan should be Education, K-16 and beyond. Other issues are on her website, http://www.votejessie.org/.
A look at her blog site, http://www.votejessie.blogspot.com/, provides a further glimpse. Quite radical thoughts. Oh some of the issues are good ones such as the use torture in the war on terror. But it really comes from off the wall. It is not what is said, but how it is said that gets disturbing. She also seems to be concentrating on the Federal Government and Bush Administration. Very little on the State of Michigan and the woes at home. My blog has more State specific issues than hers. She is running for a State seat and not the US Congress. Hey Jessie, what about Michigan?
On final thing about Jessie, she is an attorney. Sweetpea had a chance to see her in action as a defense attorney on a drug/murder trial. Sweetpea was on the jury. Another friend of mine, a detective with the VBC Sheriff’s department, has also witnessed her many times in court. Both say the same thing. Jessie is way off the deep end. Court antics are quite un-believable and often border line un-professional. Not the kind of person I want representing me in Lansing.
I’ll be voting for Tonya Schuitmaker. Oh, Tonya has a few issues. Most glaring is voting for the repeal of the SBT… Tends to vote too much with the party line. But I figure it is my job and every other constituent’s job to let her know where she has messed up, and I will. I figure I’ll get more of an ear from Tonya than from Jessie.
Too bad this race doesn’t have a better choice. I might have voted for a challenger that had his or her act together, as I think the incumbent has not done a great job.
My picks so far.
Governor – Jennifer Granholm
US House, Michigan 6th District – Fred Upton
Michigan House, 80th District – Tonya Schuitmaker
3 down, 2 more to go. State Senate and US Senate. Having trouble with these. Need to do more research.
Thanks GG. I enjoy writing them, it forces me to really evaluate why I'm voting for someone or something. As far as running for office? I don't know if the I or the world are ready for that.
I also enjoyed attending the debate - had never been to one and I liked seeing how they "perform" -- you can get a better feel for them by seeing them then just reading their rederic. Yeah Howe was probably even an embarassment to other Libertarians. Kim Clark came off better then I feared, I was more impressed with him then I expected to be. Fred was Fred -- a lot of locals like him. He's probably not the worst politician out there, but I am looking for something fresh for MI (and the US). the fact that's he's been doing it for 20 years is not necissarily a good thing, and the fact that Kim Clark has little experinece is not necissarily a bad thing. I'm fairly confident that Fred will keep his job, but not with my vote.
I am immensly disapointed to find out that Jessie is a flake! I to thought that her web site was a little radical -- but right now, radical is not a bad thiing in my mind -- I don't mind if someone has some new ideas and isn't affraid to voice them. But I do mind if they can not present themselves in a professional manner that will be taken seriously. I am MONUMENTALLY UNDERWHELMED with Tonya Schuitmaker. I think it is incredibly telling that in your last couple of blogs you have going into great detail on each candidates issues/platforms, and look, there is NOTHING to say about where Tonya stands on anything because she DOESN'T! Mr. Midaugh handed the job to his wife Maryanne and Maryanne handed to Tonya. Tonya is very well connected and funded (thanks Daddy) and I'm sure she can buy herself another term. Smile for the camera's Tonya -- that's what your good at! I can't vote for Tonya, but I can't put my stamp of approval on Jessie either (I guess) so I'll probably sit this one out.
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