Thursday, May 04, 2006


Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner. The tell tale signs are all there. The weather has been shaping up and the boat is in the slip. Leaves are on the trees, we are mowing lawns and the cats want out constantly.

And I just realized we are entering that super busy time of year. My weekends are filling up fast. Scout campouts, fishing tournaments, graduation parties to attend, weddings. The trick here is not to get too stressed out about it.

I've been thinking about this and how there are two busy times of the year. Summer and the Thanksgiving to New Years holiday season. They are seperated by two relatively laid back periods, fall and late winter/early spring.

The busy times can be anxious times for me. I tend to get stressed when my calendar gets full and I feel like I'm lossing control of my time. But as I get older, I am learning to go more with the flow. This last holiday season was one of my best in years, (see my blog archive on my old site at this URL Scroll to the December 11 blog). So now it's time to feel good about the upcoming summer.

Summer is usually easier on my stress level, as many activities are relaxing for me, such as fishing, sitting on the boat, outdoor parties, etc. The stress creeps in when I feel like something is getting in the way of these activities, like a Scout Campout, or a graduation party or wedding out of town. So I have re-evaluated these.

First Scout Campouts, these have been quite trying over the last couple of summers, a lot of stress. But I think that is changing. The last couple of campouts we have had I've had a lot of fun. I'm sure that a lot has to do with the fact I am now the Scoutmaster. Some of it has to do with I have more control. But it also has to do with the fact that my predecessor had this way of creating tension with poor planning, last minute changes and a gruff personality. We have made it a goal to make the campouts more fun and I think that we are achieving this. So scout campouts are becoming a outlet to reduce stress instead of increase it.

As far as those graduation parties or weddings or etc., I trying an new attitude. First we make a decision to go. Then I look for ways to make it as fun as possible. Go with the flow.

Lastly, I need to find a way to get back to stress relief through blogging. During these busy times, it is hard to find time to blog. But I have a plan here to. Boat Blogs. I like to stay on the boat a couple of nights a week in the summer and quite often I am all alone with just the stereo and my laptop. What a great time to contemplate life's little nuiances and put my thoughts in print.

So stay tuned for boat blogs, coming very soon. microe,,,, casting off until next time.


Blogger 10-8-ious said...

All right! Captian Microe -- looking forward to your boat blogs!

You know it's true what they say -- it's all in the attitude -- that's a great approach you've developed -- once you decide you are going to do something make it the best that you can, what a waste to lament about it instead of enjoy it. Life's too short to decide to to something and then regret it before you even get there!

Happy Sproing-ing!

5/04/2006 9:52 AM  

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