Friday, October 27, 2006

A philosophical Moment - A break from politics

Discipline - Having the fortitude to do something you don't like because it is the right thing to do.

Sacrifice - Giving up something you like to do so that you have time to do something right.

Parenthood - Making the sacrifice to have the discipline to do the right thing, finding out you enjoy doing it anyway and are proud you did in the end when the end result turns out OK.

It's harder than it sounds!

I hate being disciplined about life. I hate having to sacrifice. But I enjoy parenthood? Something keeps driving me. My schedule is often chaotic. I feel at times I have lost control. But I pull on my boots and keep on trudging. The odd thing is that I find that some of the things I thought I was sacrificing, I really didn't want to do in the first place. Learning to let go and enjoy the ride. Being content with what is instead of what might of been. Life is strange.

Ok that is out of my system, back to the fast lane.


Blogger 10-8-ious said...

Its some weird chemical reaction that having kids gives you. Obviously I don't have it! I'm selfish - I'm not at all diciplined and I dont sacrafice shit. When people ask me why I never wanted kids I always say "I'm too selfish -- not willing to give up my life style for some unapreciateive little brat who is only going to resent every thing I do for them"

See what I mean -- I'm just not cut out for that parenting thing. I know what all you parents are saying right now -- "oh, it would be different if you had a child of your own" -- but what if it wasn't different - what if I had a kid and felt the same way -- there would be another neglected if not abused child in the world growing up to be another f'ed up adult.

Good thing there are some great parents in the world like Microe and Sweetpea -- if the world had to depend on selfish jerks like me, we'd be in a world of hurt (or we'd be extinct!)

10/27/2006 3:00 PM  

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