Sunday, June 03, 2007

Blogging is tedious

I have blogged off and on for quite some time now. Over a year and a half. But it can be a tedious task. You have an idea what you want to say, but actually putting the words together takes time and effort.

That is why it is important to comment on a blog when you read it. Any comment really, so that we bloggers know someone is reading our blogs. After all, why post our thoughts if nobody is listenening!



Blogger 10-8-ious said...

this is funny -- I've been trying to leave you comments on your recent posts, and seem to be having technical difficulties -- not ignoring you!

I agree and disagree with you (how like me!) I agree -- It is hard to get in the groove to blog sometimes, and it's even harder to make it a priority among everything else in life.

And I agree its fun to get comments -- but I blog 'cuz I like to write -- and its a way different writing when you know someone MIGHT read it (as opposed to journal writting that genearlly turns into self-absorbed self-therapy). So I think when I blog, I do it more for me than for an audiance (good thing since I don't really have one!)

Hope I can actaully leave this comment this time!

6/09/2007 9:26 AM  
Blogger 10-8-ious said...

Okay - just one more comment on this. My partner has been writting "letters to the editor" for years that he never sends (well a few he has). Mostly to the local Kzoo paper and some to other magazines, etc. Most of which are lost, but some are still preserved, and he continues to write them.

I keep telling him that these would be WONDERFUL blogs! he needs to start a blog of his own and get this shit off his chest! Even if he never sends them to the paper/magazine he intends them for; and even if no one reads his blog, it would ge a very entertaining collection (not to mention it's great theapy -- even if NO ONE ever reads them!) -- what a fantastic log of one's life -- the issues or causes they felt were worthy of composing a letter to the editor on!

6/13/2007 1:11 AM  
Blogger Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said...

And if a tree falls in the forrest...

7/18/2007 11:28 AM  

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