Nothing ever stays the same
Spring has arrived. The boat is in the driveway, awaiting the annual pre-splash rituals. With any luck, it will be in the water in a couple of weeks. The boating season will bring plenty of changes and new adventures. I think my son is getting charged up about fishing. He has changed a lot in the last year. Taller, less chunky, deeper voice.
The Lizzy Mae
My wife, Sweetpea, just changed jobs. She likes her new responsiblities and new department.
Our daughter is changing. Engaged, approaching graduation from college in December. She just got an internship at a computer gaming company, doing artwork.
I am changing too. I'm older, every day. Can't stop that. Trying to re-prioritize my life, a never ending process. Trying to get into better shape, more healthy. I've had some health problems over the last couple of years and I don't intend to pack it in yet. Trying to eat better, get lots of exercise, loose weight (see the diet blog - The Daily Diet - News You Can Loose ).
Other changes. I'm trying to exercise my mind more, reading more, Suduko puzzles, blogging. Spending more time doing those things I enjoy. Playing guitar with Microe and the Waves. Spending more time with friends, people I care about.
And finally spending time getting back in touch with myself. Contemplating. Meditating. Trying to figure out who I am. Where am I at in life, where do I want to go? Not that I am un-happy. But then, nothing ever stays the same.