Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Politicians at it again.

Once again, the presidential election is turning into one big goat rodeo. Yesterday, 4 of the 7 Democratic candidates removed themselves from the Michigan Democratic Primary. They sighted the on going battle between the Michigan Democratic Committee, which moved the primary to January 15th, and the Democratic National Committee who say that New Hampshire, Iowa and South Dakota get to be first. In addition, to punish Michigan (and Florida for a similar move), they are refusing to seat Michigan Delegates at the Convention next year. What a mess!

Bottom line, Michigan has a huge unemployment rate and it's economy is in the toilet. But the money in charge doesn't seem to care what Michigan voters think. Putting states like New Hampshire and South Dakota first makes absolutely no sense when you look at from the perspective of a Michigan Unemployment line. Why should they get to eliminate candidates before others get to vote. All Democrat candidates have pledged to not campaign in Michigan. The last Democrat that was President signed NAFTA into law, which has made it easier to move automotive jobs out of Michigan. I want to hear what all candidates have to say about how they would replace these jobs! Instead, all Democratic candidates have pledged to not campaign in Michigan for the primary.

This is about money and power. Republicans have always been accused of running the government so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Now it seems as the Democrats are operating on the same rules.

The old rules of primaries spread out over the spring was created because it was deemed to costly for candidates to run in all states at once. This is now bunk. With the money each candidate is raising it should be possible to run national primary campaigns. The solution is a to run a national primary election, all states on the same day. Of course this would make the big suck-up party, known as the national convention, to become mute. That is also about power and money...

Our political system is getting out of control. Money, more than ever, rules. And the sad part is that once again the right answer to who should be the next president, Democrat or Republican, might be "None of the Above".

Out: Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.

Still In but not Campagning: Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, and some guy so important he isn't even listed on the AP Wire.


Blogger 10-8-ious said...

yup -- the entire process/system stinks and is antiquated. But I take it a step further and say that the US election system as a whole is corupt and is nothing more than smoke and mirrors -- I do not trust that the whole gig is not fixed. Ever since Gore lost (or didn't) it's been pretty obvious that they are all just trying to make us feel like we have a say. I remember years ago hearing stories on the news about how third world countries held elections, but they didn't really mean anything becuase of the vast amount of coruption in the election process -- well my friend, we have arived.

I can not stomach the knowledge of how many people in this country and throughout the world suffer while these eletes spend litterally millions of dollors to convince us the give a damn. THEY DON'T! It's all about money and power at this point. Sure they probably had good intentions at one point in their political careers and maybe even honorable aspirations -- but those days have faded away -- now it's just about doing and saying whatever it takes to "win".

Bottom line, whoever wins, we all lose. Sucks to be us.

10/22/2007 8:33 PM  

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